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St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School

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Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs from Monday – Friday 7:45am – 8:45am.

Entrance is through the school office gate where a member of the breakfast club team will welcome the children.

If your child arrives after 8am, you will be charged a £2 late fee via ParentPay.

Bookings for Monday – Friday are charged at £5 per day. This is discounted to £4.50 if you are booking for siblings.

ADHOC sessions (minimum of 2 days, maximum of 3) are charged at £5.50 per day.

Please note: ADHOC sessions are not discounted if you are booking for siblings.

Emergency bookings are available! Please contact the school office.

Payment for breakfast club will need to be made a week in advance via ParentPay.

Cancellations of your child/ren’s place will need to be emailed giving half a terms notice.

If you would like to book, please email breakfast@st-marys.lambeth.sch.uk stating the following:

  • Name of child
  • Year group/Class
  • Days your child/ren will attend
  • The week you would like you child to start
  • Any dietary requirements/allergies


Check for a Confirmation email

You will receive a confirmation email if your booking has been approved. If your booking is approved, you will be added to the relevant payment item on ParentPay